Census Data
The Census is key source of data about where we live and the people who live there. There are many decisions made based on census data. The federal government allocates funds to states, counties, and cities, based on census data; the number of representatives we have in Congress is based on census data; and cities, non-profits and other service providers often decide where to deliver services based upon census data.
The census uses unique geographical zones that are smaller than your council district, but bigger than your neighborhood block. The zones are called ‘tracts’ and knowing your tract is the best way to get information about your neighborhood.
- Find your census tract using census tract reference maps.
- Once you’ve noted your tract, visit data.census.gov
- Search for Detroit in the Census search engine
- Click on the Detroit City, Michigan profile
- Pick your topic of info
- Click the table in that topic of info
- In the header of that table click Geographies to add your tract
- Add your tract by clicking the larger geographies from left to right and then clicking close
- You will have a table in that topic and data specifically about your Census tract