Media Services Department

What they do: 

The Department of Media Services states they have one goal and that is ‘to tell Detroit’s story’. Media Services uses TV, film, social media, and the web to share the happenings of the city and city government. Permits for filming in the city and telecommunication (internet, phone, cable) right of ways are also handled by media services. They operate four television channels showing thousands of hours of viewing on different subjects. Here is a sample of their coverage which can all be accessed on their city webpage as well. 

Media Services also hosts a website which is dedicated to highlighting Detroiters, their neighborhoods, and neighborhood events.

Finally, if you’re a filmmaker, The Media Services Department is where you go to get a no-fee permit.  These are needed for large film projects that impact the function of city services.

How Can I Get Involved?

If you missed an important meeting or just wanted to hear exactly what was said, watch the meetings on City channels 10 and 21. This will give a good example of the issues, concerns and discussions happening in or around the city.

Public access allows residents to broadcast the information that they want to share on Channel 68. 

The City of Detroit also collects and tells stories about residents.  If you want your story told or you think a neighbor should be highlighted, reach out to department staff or email