There are many ways to evaluate a neighborhood. The non-profit Detroit Future City evaluated Detroit’s neighborhoods using 13 characteristics such as safety, education, and public services. The World Health Organization evaluates neighborhoods and cities using 7 characteristics including social participation and inclusion. Think of your neighborhood and use the list below to evaluate it. Print this page or write your own list in a notebook. Select he evaluation for each area that you think is accurate. Ask yourself, is my neighborhood doing really well (high quality), is it doing fairly well (decent quality), or is it doing poorly (low quality). If there’s another area you think is important for a high-quality neighborhood, add it to the list!
Area | Rating |
Safety-do I feel safe? | High Quality ★ Decent Quality ★ Low Quality |
Education-are there good schools? | High Quality ★ Decent Quality ★ Low Quality |
Income/Employment-do people have jobs and live comfortably? | High Quality ★ Decent Quality ★ Low Quality |
Health-do we have what we need to be healthy (mentally/emotionally, physically) | High Quality ★ Decent Quality ★ Low Quality |
Housing-are there enough nice places for people to live? | High Quality ★ Decent Quality ★ Low Quality |
Social Opportunities/Spaces-can we easily gather to socialize? | High Quality ★ Decent Quality ★ Low Quality |
Transportation-how easily can we get where we need to go? | High Quality ★ Decent Quality ★ Low Quality |
Environment-how is the air, water, and land? | High Quality ★ Decent Quality ★ Low Quality |
Other: | High Quality ★ Decent Quality ★ Low Quality |
Other: | High Quality ★ Decent Quality ★ Low Quality |
Other: | High Quality ★ Decent Quality ★ Low Quality |